Bad credit can be affecting you more than you know! Since 2002, NewCredit NewLife Corp. has helped thousands of families and businesses to reach their financial goals and improve their credit. With our highly professional and methodological approach, we cut through the numbers to help get you back on the road to good credit.
We are in strict compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Credit Repair Organizations Act, which means you can relax knowing that all the process is entire legal and you are in reputable hands. Contact us today to find out how we can help you take that important first step in getting back into good financial standing.
You can access the Fair Credit Reporting Act text of rule with this link:
Personal Credit
Our team of experts will analyze your credit reports from a financial point of view so we can set your personal & financial goals. With personalized strategies one of our credit experts will guide you through the process so you get educated about your credit and you will learn on how to maintain it once we finish with your file.
Business Credit
Your business credit is very important. Whether you are seeking to expand your small business, acquire a new established business, or just to survive a fast-changing economy. It is the principal contributing factor to your business's future growth. Good business credit also allows you to keep the cash flow you need to cover the cost of doing business.